Friday, August 20, 2010

Why Were the Results of the Investigation into UN Weapons Expert Dr. David Kelly's Death Classified for 70 Years?

Dr David Kelly was on a hitlist, says UN weapons expert as calls grow for full inquest | Mail Online
Concern over the cause of death has been mounting after it emerged in January that all medical and scientific records, including the post-mortem report and photographs of the body, were secretly classified for 70 years in 2004.

Sir Barry Jackson, past president of the British Academy of Forensic Science and one of the doctors who wrote to ministers, said yesterday: 'In my experience from 30 years as a practising surgeon I find it difficult to agree with the cause of death as listed on his death certificate.'

Another, Dr Elizabeth Driver, a solicitor and Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, added: 'As a pathologist I cannot understand how Dr Kelly could have died from blood loss of a severed ulnar artery. It makes no medical sense. Little is known about the medical facts because the post-mortem has been kept secret.

Another example where government simply decrees that the truth can't come out until their plans are in the works, and it's too late to do anything about it.

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