Wednesday, September 5, 2007

ABA Poll Shows Defense Attorneys Don't Think Laws Making Us Safer

…we asked 50 defense attorneys who’ve worked on federal terrorism cases since 9/11 their opinions of the legal war on terror. (We also asked 50 prosecutors, but U.S. Department of Justice spokesman Dean Boyd told assistant U.S. attorneys across the country not to participate. He declined to tell us his reason.) ABA Journal


Anonymous said...

Like your quoting certain straw polls showing strength from Ron Paul, you once again use a statistically insignifiant poll to try to bolster your argument.

Truth handler, you should stick to the facts.

The Truth Handler said...

What isn't factual about this or the straw polls? I understand they aren't complete information, but it's a taste of what's out there. When there are people out there who are purposely trying to hide information, you need to work with what's what's available. I don't claim each post is in itself a perfect, complete argument...but each one may be another piece in the puzzle. Some may be opinion, some may be partial information. But, there is nothing non-factual about the straw polls or this post. What did you think was non-fact?

Anonymous said...

50 lawyers were polled here. Any result from these 50 laywers is statistically, and factually, insignificant.

Anonymous said...

50 people are not a meaningful representation of the views of the people.

50 people died for Hale Bop.

The Truth Handler said...

These were 50 attorneys that have worked on federal terrorism cases. How big of a pool do you think that is? The goal of this poll wasn't to represent the "people," it was intended to ask a particular segment that probably have some very clear insight into the issue.